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Portia the Control Freak – Merchant of Venice

I couldn't imagine anything better than to compose a basic exposition about the job of Portia in Shakespeare’s â€Å"Mercha...

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Portia the Control Freak – Merchant of Venice

I couldn't imagine anything better than to compose a basic exposition about the job of Portia in Shakespeare’s â€Å"Merchant of Venice,† hailing her as one of Shakespeare’s most noteworthy commitments to the general public of the rational; be that as it may, I locate this unthinkable after re-perusing the content. From the start, I held tight her every word and was astonished at her mind, yet later I saw her as simply one more Shakespearean psycho. Fundamentally, I comprehended Portia to be nothing not exactly a dutiful little girl complying with the impulses of her dead, over-defensive dad. She talks regarding regard about the casket custom, and the peruser trusts her to be earnest. Later as her character s unfurled, the peruser sees a spouse in affection with the husband who was shrewd enough to acquire her adoration (and thusly her fortune! ). Be careful, delicate peruser! Try not to fall under the spell of Portia the control crack! The accompanying scenerios must be evidence that this lady isn't reliable! Most importantly, let’s assess the scene where Portia and Bassanio are before the coffins where Bassanio must settle on his decision. The discourse legitimately preceeding the finding of the coffin is fundamental lover’s discourse, however pause! Listen cautiously to what Portia says: â€Å"If you do adore me, you will discover me out† (III ii 41). Portia drives Bassanio to elieve that the decision he makes in the coffins is his own. She drives the peruser to accept that Bassanio’s love for her is the main power which prompts the revelation of the right coffin. Notwithstanding, prior when Portia is talking about the arrangements for the coffin decision, she discusses music which is to be played while Bassanio settles on his decision. Alright, this appears to be blameless enough; however look at the songâ€the initial two lines of the melody rhyme with lead! It doesn’t take long for the subtle cue to be caught up in Bassanio’s cerebrum, and the lead coffin is picked. This manipulative gadget is a sign to me that Portia has a need to cause things to go her direction. She is worried about the possibility that that Bassanio will settle on an inappropriate decision, and in this manner helps him. Point #2. Portia makes a method of controlling the eventual fate of the connection among herself and Bassanio. Portia gives Bassanio a ring with the words, â€Å"I give you this ring, which when you part from, lose, or part with,/Let it forecast the destruction of your love†. Obviously, Bassanio parts with the ring first possibility he gets. Portia later makes realized that the man he gave the ring to was her, and she continues to chasten Bassanio for his absence of adoration. Bassanio is caught! Regardless of cap he accomplishes for the remainder of their relationship, in his brain will remain the possibility that Portia is viewing! This is a sharp gadget designed by Mr. Shakespeare; in any case, it shows a specific over the top, manipulative air about Portia. Gee. In conclusion, I might want to take an endeavor. I was pondering before while perusing the â€Å"Merchant of Venice† why Shakespeare utilized the doppel-ganger method in his introduction of Nerissa and Portia. Nerissa follows Portia about and settles on similar choices Portia does. Nerissa isn't as brilliant as Portia, but then she meets a similar extreme destiny as Portia. I am thinking about whether Shakespeare could have utilized Nerissa to call attention to the manipulative qualities of Portia. The facts confirm that single direction that manipulative individuals feed is through more vulnerable individuals who maintain them and their qualities. In the event that anybody has any knowledge on this idea, let me know! All things considered, there you have it. My actual sentiments on Portia. Sure she is to be appreciated in certain perspectives, however maybe as every extraordinary paradigm she has her weaknesses and shortcomings. On the off chance that anybody discovers anything about the previously mentioned parts of Portia’s character, it would be ideal if you let me know. I have had not karma discovering Anything about Portia on the web. Much obliged.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Paul Mahajan Rupinder Khabra Discussion free essay sample

Quickly talk about the necessities for viable MRP. The necessities for a viable MRP are having precise ace timetable, stock records, and bill of materials. On the off chance that these sources of info are not exact it will be difficult to have precise MRP results. The consequences of the MRP are prerequisites for end things into time-stage necessities for subassemblies, parts, and crude materials. So this shows why the precision of our data sources is of most extreme significance. In the event that we get the exact information sources, at that point we get precise yields. The yields of MRP can be changes, request discharges, arranged request plans, stock exchange, execution control reports, and arranging reports. 12. 13 Contrast arranged request receipts and planned receipts. Arranged request receipts are the amount expected to be gotten by the start of the period where it is appeared. Planned receipts are open requests booked to show up from merchants or somewhere else in the pipeline. So we can see that arranged request receipts should show up before the planned period and booked receipts are orders that are open and can show up whenever during the planned period. We will compose a custom article test on Paul Mahajan Rupinder Khabra Discussion or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Basic reasoning activity 1 I trust Juan Villa should possibly utilize those techniques if the necessary information coordinates the information required for the EOQ/ROP strategies. We have to follow a strategy that is most appropriate for that circumstance. In the event that we have the guage request and the rules follow the ones of the EOQ technique then we can consider utilizing that strategy.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Crisis Intervention Helpers Qualities Social Work Essay

Emergency Intervention Helpers Qualities Social Work Essay When all is said in done, a large portion of us will concur that not every person is appropriate to be an emergency assistant in light of the fact that there is nobody exchange that can suit for all. I individual feel that it is untrustworthy to give a finish of whether is everybody appropriate or not to be an emergency assistant before investigating what capability or trademark does an emergency aide require. Henceforth, in this article, I might want to quickly talk about the meaning of emergency, assets for emergency intercession and the characteristics of an emergency partner before giving my decision. Emergency Definition Despite the fact that there are numerous meanings of emergency, Richard. K. James introduced 6 in his book, Crisis Intervention Strategies. They are: 1) Crisis is on the grounds that individuals significant life objectives face impediments. 2) Crisis results from obstructions to life objectives that individuals accept that they can't defeat through standard decisions and practices (Caplan, 1964, p. 40). 3) When individuals realize that they have no reactions to deal with their circumstance, the circumstance is think about an emergency. 4) When, because of a circumstance, one can't control his life deliberately and it immobilizes him, an emergency is framed (Belkin, 1984, p. 424). 5) Crisis is a condition of disorder where individuals face disappointment of significant life objectives or significant interruption of their life cycles and strategies for adapting to stressors. (Brammer, 1985, p. 94). 6) Crisis creates in four unmistakable stages: (an) a basic circumstance happens in whic h an assurance is made concerning whether a people typical ways of dealing with stress will do the trick; (b) expanded strain and complication encompassing the occasion raise past the people adapting capacity; (c) interest for extra assets, (for example, advising) to determine the occasion is required; (d) referral might be required to determine significant character confusion (Marino, 1995). Kristi Kanel utilizes Trilogy definition to mirror the three basic pieces of an emergency. The three pieces of an emergency are these: (1) an accelerating occasion; (2) an impression of the occasion that causes emotional pain; and (3) the disappointment of a people regular adapting techniques, which causes an individual encountering the hastening occasion to work it a lower level than before the occasion. ( Kanel, p. 1) Through Richard and Kristi emergency definitions, we understand that emergency can be a circumstance that has disturbed an individual life cycle or an individual having glitch method for dealing with stress. Circumstance that individual A has considered as an emergency may not be an emergency to individual B in light of the fact that everyones adapting capacity is unique. The circumstance that causes Person A to be distressing and on edge may not make a similar level of pressure and tension for individual B; subsequently, for an emergency specialist to deal with a customer effectively, he needs to have sharp examination and fast reponse. The inevitable objective of an emergency assistant is to assist the customer with returning to an exact degree of working. Subsequently, in spite of the fact that any individual who is prepared can be an emergency assistant, he may not deal with the circumstance well because of emergency adaptability. Emergency Intervention Helpers Qualities The initial phase in developing the aptitudes expected to help individuals in emergency is to build a meaning of emergency. Emergency laborer must tune into a customers level of acing reality so as to set up sensible objectives and critical thinking systems. In Lindemanns (1944) work with overcomers of the Coconut Grove dance club fire of 1943, he found that untimely discontinuance of the statement of sentiments is unsafe. In this way, it is fundamental for emergency laborers to permit customers to communicate enthusiastic activities. Be that as it may, emergency laborers should likewise guarantee that the statement of these emotions isn't hurtful to the customer or others. Emergency laborers must know that whether the outflow of passionate responses to emergency occasions is it sound (Myer, 37) Emergency laborers must be happy to share the customers torment. Sympathy that exhibits to customers shows emergency laborers comprehend their edge of reference in the emergency circumstance. (Myer 38) Care must be utilized to prepare for permitting emergency laborers individual issues to impact the evaluation procedure. For instance, an emergency specialist, while a kid, may have seen their mom manhandled by the dad or someone else. Thus, the emergency laborer may lose control at whatever point misuse is an issue. Being an emergency aide, he should not deal with the customers circumstance by and by; in this way, the capacity of surveying the customer thought and activity is significant. Evaluating customers psychological and conduct response to an emergency can be inconvenient for emergency laborers. Essentially realizing that a customer has apparently sat idle or has made a few fruitless endeavors to determine the emergency isn't sufficient. Emergency laborers must see past the substance of what customers report to really comprehend customers response. (Myer 86) Too regularly, emergency laborers experience issues recognizing their discernments from customers view of the emergency. ( Myer 57) Subsequent to knowing customers intellectual responses and the existence measurement that is influenced by emergency, it enables emergency laborers to focus on their mediation endeavors. In any case, emergency laborers should likewise assess the seriousness of customers responses so as to decide whether this territory ought to be tended to first and how direct the mediation procedure ought to be. ( Myer 73) Moral and legitimate concerns are especially pertinent in the evaluation of conduct response on the grounds that during the appraisal procedure customers may uncover data about youngster or senior maltreatment, sexual maltreatment of minors, self-destructive ideations, plan to hurt another person, or other similarly upsetting material. Emergency laborers can be found napping hearing this data; when it is revealed, what are they to do? ( Myer 86) Certain character characteristics may meddle with adapting and furthermore to tolerating intercession. A few people have issues tolerating help or being solid. Others are distrustful or maintain a strategic distance from struggle. These individuals present difficulties to instructors, as opposed to customers who are open and trusting. As indicated by Kanel, there are factors for an emergency assistant to decide if an emergency presents a threat to his customer or his customer needs extra assistance. A prepared emergency partner not just should be mentally prepared, his character and encounters can likewise be an incredible resource during emergency mediation. Along these lines, not every person can be an emergency aide well. Assets for Crisis Intervention Work Not every person who encounters a stressor in life will surrender to an emergency state and nobody is sure why a few people adapt to pressure effectively while others fall apart into disequilibrium. ( Kanel, 7). Be that as it may, Kanel composes that material assets, individual assets, and social assets appears to decide the degree of an individual way of dealing with stress after an emergency. ( Kanel, 7) Material assets are cash, cover, nourishment, transportation, and dress. Cash may not purchase love, however it makes life simpler during emergency. For instance, a less fortunate lady with negligible material assets [money, nourishment, lodging, and transportation] may endure more in an emergency than a lady with her own salary and transportation. A lady with more extravagant material sources has the decision of remaining at an inn or moving into her own condo. She can head to work; she can stand to pay for advising meetings. ( Kanel, 7) After her material needs are met, the lady can start to work through the emergency. Her own assets, for example, sense of self quality, past history of adapting to upsetting circumstances, nonappearance of character issues, and physical prosperity will help decide how well she adapts all alone and how she acknowledges and executes intercession. ( Kanel, 7) Self image quality is the capacity to comprehend the world everything being equal and follow up on that comprehension to get ones needs and wishes met. Commonly an emergency specialist will be approached to be the customers inner self quality briefly (as when an individual is insane or seriously discouraged) until the customer can take over for oneself. These customers can neither see reality obviously nor put energetically practical adapting practices. They need somebody to structure their conduct until the emergency is overseen effectively, frequently with prescription, family intercession, and individual advising. Social asset End A few customers may show extraordinary feeling to a minor occurrence; others may display a practically imperceptible full of feeling response to a noteworthy emergency. Likewise, individuals respond distinctively to various emergencies. Because a customer responds with outrage in one emergency doesn't imply that the individual in question will respond with outrage in another emergency (Myer 52). Customer might be overpowered by the circumstance and think that its hard to vocalize any sentiments; maybe, they may vent their displeasure to the emergency specialist. On the off chance that the emergency specialist isn't readied, the individual in question might be confounded by the customers show of emotions. Subsequently, the force of the customers enthusiastic articulation may bring about the emergency laborer feeling awkward and wild (Myer, p. 37) As per Myer, emergency laborer should be set up to confront customers seething shouting or crying uncontroably. During emergency mediation, emergency laborers must utilize their insight into human conduct, affectability to social standards, and their clinical experience to make sound decisions. Therefore, I concur that it isn't everybody reasonable to accomplish emergency intercession work in light of the fact that not every person can deal with force of the activity scope.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Postmodern View of Socioeconomy and Politics in Absurdistan - Literature Essay Samples

America: a land of freedom, opportunity, and prosperity; a country that highly advocates the amalgamation of conglomerating cultures. Ironically, however, in Gary Shteyngarts novel Absurdistan, the Russians transcend Americans in their pursuit for wealth, status, and size. The protagonist, Misha Vainberg, is a 30-year-old Russian heir to a post-Soviet fortune. Having spent 12 years in the United States, he considers himself â€Å"an American impounded in a Russian body (Shteyngart 14).† As he experiences life from one country to another, Misha begins to develop relationships with people of different race, culture, background. These relationships not only test his character, but also provide readers a microcosmic view of the controversies he encounters. The element of post-modernism presented in this novel alludes not to a cultural and intellectual phenomenon, but to a corrupt and devastating trend with unmarked boundaries. By intertwining self-conscious playful critique of pos t-modernism and experimental neo-realist deployment of perspective, imagery, language, structure, and tone, Shteyngart is critical of post-modernism as a socio-economic and political trend. By depicting Absurdistan and other post-Soviet countries as post-modern through the eyes of Misha Vainberg and his relationships with a mà ©lange of people, Shteyngart also opens the eyes of his readers to the world of political exploitations, grave gender issues, class disparities, and influences of American in modern day Russia. The novel opens with a prologue entitled â€Å"Where I’m Calling From.† The first person narrator welcomes his readers into what he refers to as his â€Å"book of love, a book about too much love (Shteyngart, vii).† From the inception of the prologue, the readers travel with this anonymous narrator from varying time and place. Together, they soar from the year 1972 to the twenty-first century, from â€Å"a small village populated entirely by so-c alled Mountain Jews† to â€Å"the land at the corner of 173rd Street and Vyse (Shteyngart vii).† As the narrator soars â€Å"away from the ancient rabbi†¦over flattened Chechnya and pockmarked Sarajevo, over Europe, and over and over and over and finally toward and toward and toward, toward the tip of the slender island (Shteyngart ix),† readers are reminded that this is not only a book about love, but a book about geography. This opening prologue is extremely crucial because Shteyngart introduces important elements of postmodernism that prove to be essential in understanding and interpreting the themes delineated throughout Absurdistan. According to Postmodernist Culture, one of the most striking preoccupations of modernist and postmodernist aesthetics is the question of time. Shteyngart utilizes this postmodern element of reducing time to a single element and flattening time into space to produce the effect of blurred clarity. By blending together the tim e of epic with contemporary time and forcing his readers to â€Å"view history and human life as an endless series of cycles (Connor 124),† Shteyngart is able to freeze time to the 2000s. By allowing his readers to traverse from place to place in this non-transient time, one can critique the reality that is being portrayed. In order to grasp the many realities present in Absurdistan, one must have a clear understanding of the narrator and the relationships he develops. Apart from the prologue, the novel commences with an over-the-edge, honest, account of the narrator. With a first person narration, he introduces himself as â€Å"Misha Borisovich Vainberg, age thirty, a grossly overweight man with small, deeply set blue eyes, a pretty Jewish beak†¦(Shteyngart 1).† Misha is not only unhesitant in relating his stories to his readers, but he also spares no details as he produces vulgar images from sexual encounters with women to an unsuccessful circumcision in a Hasid ic home. From the first person narration, it can be noted that this straightforward perspective of situations and people returns readers to realism. However, because Misha is not an omniscient narrator and is rather subjective in his story-telling, the reality presented is rather skewed. One can already see the mixture of paradoxical postmodernism and neo-realism. Similarly, as Misha recounts his relationship with his father, the element of post-modernism becomes critical in analyzing the corrupt trends in post-Soviet countries. As Misha speaks of his papa, there is a hint of sarcasm in his diction. In the chapter titled â€Å"Dedications,† Misha starts by saying â€Å"First I would like to fall on my knees in front of the INS headquarters in Washington D.C, to thank the organizations for all its successful work on behalf of foreigners everywhere (Shteyngart 14).† This sarcastic remark not only exudes a dash of bitterness he feels towards his papa for murdering an Oklahoma businessman, but it also contributes to the satirical and witty tone throughout the novel. Likewise, as Misha is writing his love letter to the generals in charge of the Immigration and Naturalization Service pleading to let him back in America, he emphasizes on having been educated at Accidental College, a renowned Midwestern institution for the young aristocrats where â€Å"the virtues of democracy are often debated at teatime (Shteyngart 15).† By doing so, Shteyngart mocks the American institution. According to Frederic Jameson, author of Postmodernism or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, the last few years have been marked by an inverted millenarianism in which forewarnings of the future have been replaced by senses of the end of ideology, art, social class. What once was the frantic economic urgency has now become â€Å"an increasingly essential structural function and position to aesthetic innovation and experimentation (Jameson 5).† Accidental Col lege is a symbol of absolute parody; it demonstrates the obliteration of a system. At Accidental College, students are taught that their dreams and beliefs would one day sway to their will. At Accidental College, Introduction to Striptease classes, Advanced Memoir seminars, and Overcoming Shyness and Facilitating Self-Expression lectures are taught in order to raise up leaders in the world. Through the utilization of sarcasm and pastiche, Shteyngart manifests to readers that not only is the socioeconomic reality postmodern even in the twenty-first century in the way that individuals have nothing to aspire to, it is also destined to fail because individual development and progress is nonexistent. More importantly, the analysis of Misha and his relationship with his papa continues to support Misha’s lack of individualism and independence. Aside from sending his son to attend Accidental College in America, Papa also insisted his son to be circumcised in New York. Any rational be ing would know that circumcision should be done at an early age, not when the child is already eighteen. Therefore, it can be inferred that the only plausible motive for Misha to become circumcised at his age is not for religious values and beliefs, but for social networking. The physical attribute of a circumcision is insignificant; rather, it is through this commonality of this Jewish tradition that brings the Jewish people together. Based on an article that examines the Jewish Social Network, author Rela Mintz Geffen writes that â€Å"proponents of networking meets the need of Jews wherever they are and enable them to climb on to the Jewish bandwagon as free riders.† In addition, it is understood that the concentration of Jews enables the â€Å"initiation, support, and maintenance of institutional life including schools, shuls, kosher food markets and the like† (Geffen 3). The very presence of these cultural markers acts to unobtrusively promote identity maintenance of non-affiliated and marginally affiliated Jews who are constantly reminded of their Jewish identity. This subtle yet pervasive effect is evident in cities like New York, where everyone in New York feels Jewish. For this reason, Misha’s father understands that in order for his son to be as successful wherever he goes, he must become circumcised. This act of circumcision is the gateway for social connections and opportunities amongst the Jewish community in places all over the world. These social networks, originally formed by his Papa and developed through the act of circumcision, prove to be critical as Misha is stranded in a tiny post-Soviet country of Absurdistan. In an act of desperation, Misha buys Belgian citizenship and a bogus passport in Absurdistan, a new country being forged out of a staged war between the Sevo and Svani peoples in a small territory between Iran and Russia. In order to survive, Misha must form relationships with the people he encounters. Through Shteyngart’s graphic satire, the American dream is depicted as experienced by famished, newborn democracies. In an article titled â€Å"Institutional Competition and Post-Soviet Transformation,† writer Aleksandr Libman comments that â€Å"economic openness and free relocation of capital and manpower have made post-Soviet countries active participants in global institutional competitions. The inefficient balance in Russia and many other countries, nonetheless, remains stable† (Libman 13). The reason for the erroneous and inefficient import of institutions comes from the predominance of peculiar relationships between authorities and the influence of informal institutions. It is ironic that the founding fathers of Absurdistan are actually gangsters who are secretly collaborating with an American corporation called Golly Burton. In fact, it is nearly impossible for Misha to discern between those who are morally just and those who are corrupt in Absurdistan. The trut h that Absurdistan has absolutely nothing is unfolded before Misha’s eyes; the bigger picture of Absurdistan is this: â€Å"There are supposed to be fifty billion barrels of oil reserves in the Absurdi sector of the Caspian. In truth, there isn’t one percent of that left. The Absurdis have been lying to the investors from the start† (Shteyngart 306). It is then Misha discovers that he’d â€Å"been had. Utterly. Completely. They’d use me. Taken advantage of me. Sized me up. Known right away that they had their man† (Shteyngart 309). It has been disclosed to Misha that a scheme was devised so that the United States government would pour in billions of dollars into Absurdistan. An orchestrated war is set at the top of the Hyatt hotel, where Ukrainian gunman were hired to bomb sections of Gorbigrad in front of an international crew of TV journalists. As this fabricated war continues, Misha realizes that things were much worse than they appeared. As thousands of dead or starving refugees lay in the streets, Misha lives and dines at a luxurious hotel. From the fabricated war to the harsh reality of the injured and the dead, these images are cleverly and beautifully paradoxical; they offer a provoking critique of the socio-economical and political reality of oil wars and war profiteering. Taking a closer look into reality, the company Golly Burton is a representation and a mockery of the United States corporation Halliburton. Halliburton Energy Services is a United States based oilfield service that operates internationally with over 70 other countries. In an expose titled â€Å"The Truth about Halliburton,† author Peter Elkind discusses the serious matter of oil wars and war profiteering. Halliburton had signed a $2.5 billion no-bid â€Å"Restore Iraqi Oil† contract that would have paid for the reconstruction of the entire country. Had the contract been fulfilled exhaustively, Iraq would have been able to expor t an abundant amount of oil from the northern oil fields. The truth, however, unfolded as oil fields were detected to be barely usable and access to international markets was severely limited. In fact, Halliburton failed to even dig and tunnel through the land since the underground terrain consisted of jumble of boulders, voids, and gravel, impossible for the kind of drilling Halliburton had planned. Therefore, it is apparent that there is a need for reciprocation; the relationships formed resemble a mutual form of giving and taken. Where the ruling class of Absurdistan is in love with the corrupt American company known as the Golly Burton, Golly Burton in turn is in love with Absurdistan for the money it plans on making when the infrastructure of Absurdistan is rebuilt. By creating an allusion of Absurdistan and intertwining it with a neo-realistic delineation of America, Shteyngart is able to juxtapose the harsh political reality represented in both worlds. By juxtaposing the two companies, Absurdistan’s Golly Burton and America’s Halliburton, and interweaving postmodernism parody with neo-realism, Shteyngart emphatically critiques the reality of deceit and corruption. Likewise, through postmodern elements of characters that appear to be contradictory and deceitful, language that is unreliable, and knowledge as an illusion, everything delineated in Shteyngart’s Absurdistan strives to be a United States replica in style, culture, and prosperity. Another main issue Shteyngart discusses in Absurdistan concerns the matter of women and gender disparities. Most, if not all, of the women depicted in the novel are conniving and promiscuous. Rouenna, Misha’s girlfriend, ends up cheating on him with a professor; Lyuba Vainberg, Misha’s father’s widow, ends up sleeping with Misha because they were both â€Å"lonely and lost (Shteyngart 83);† Nana Nanabragovna, Misha’s ‘mistress,’ is daughter to Mr. Nanabragovna, the man who deceives Misha into working for SCROD. Scattered throughout the novel are prostituting women, young and old, from the East and from the West. Although these women differ in where they are from, their social and economic status, and their race and nationality, Shteyngart chooses to represent them in one fashion. These women are generally described physically in explicit terms; their sexual occurrences are frequently depicted with obscene and crude images. By specifically utilizing phrases like â€Å"open crevice of her two-fisted ass† and â€Å"the warmth of her oral cavity,† Shteyngart is ultimately degrading the women as sexual objects. According to Linda Nicholson’s The Play of Reason, poor and working-class women, women of color, and lesbians have finally been exposed and are no longer confined to the domestic sphere, as false extrapolations from the experience of the white, middle-class, heterosexual women. By going to an extreme in his description of women and tying them to prostitutes and manipulators, however, Shteyngart critiques the social reality of Absurdistan. In an article titled ‘Post-modernism as the Decadence of the Social Democratic State,’ critic Gare notes that the postmodernism elements echoed throughout Absurdistan have â€Å"questioned all naturalism, foundations, universals, authority, the idea of autonomous subjects of ethics and politics† (Gare 2). Therefore, by utilizing the postmodern element that involves the demise of the ethical and a life without principles, the issue of gender expands into a bigger problem dealing with the injustice of the social system. In Absurdistan, women do not have social ladders to climb; in Absurdistan, a country that modernizes to be like America, all women are delineated as equal. Because everyone appears to be a crook, there is a certain level of predictability and monotony as well. The politics of gender and the Soviet paradox can be well understood in the article, â€Å"Neither Colonized, or Modern?† There appears to be a â€Å"Soviet paradox† that is evident in the combined and clashing operations of socialist paternalism that maintains and legitimizes women’s presence in the public realm (through work, political representation, and education) with an economy and nationalities policy that effectively stalls the process of social transformation. In fact, post-Soviet gender beliefs and ideologies do not represent national traditions but serve in â€Å"signaling a break from Soviet past and creating new imaginaries of the nation that enhance social solidarity in post-Soviet societies (Kandiyoti 603).† From prostitutes at the Hyatt and male ordering bribes to passport prostitution and online pornography, the issue of gender dissipates as the issue of class in relation to ethnicity and religion accumulates. Class violence caused by civil war is not due to a class difference but rather a religious and historical struggle for material dominance. By emphasizing postmodernism elements of parody and the absence of any single truth, Shteyngart demonstrates that the socioeconomic and political reality is still postmodern in the 21st century. The closing chapter to Absurdistan ultimately leaves readers with many unanswered questions. The question that looms over most readers asks whether or not Misha survives. Because the novel is framed around the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center, one can see that Shteyngart is critiquing the war that is happening right now. This novel is themed around multiculturalism: different cultures being their own yet coming together. In Absurdistan, two groups of people have become enemies simply because of the footrest of the cross. They speak different languages and have different cultures, but they are integrated together, they live together, they are dependent on each other. By preserving their differences, though, there is no att empt to maintain or establish class differences. Therefore, with the September 11 framework, Shteyngart focuses on connecting people from different places of the world. This is a novel about civilians and local residence; this is a novel about people on the planes and people across the waters. More importantly, this is a novel about hope. As Misha closes his epilogue with â€Å"have faith in me. On these cruel, fragrant streets, we shall finish the difficult lives we were given (Shteyngart 333),† readers can cling onto hope in spite of the surrounding chaos because the arbitrariness and unpredictability of chaos is what will ultimately set everyone free. By intertwining the postmodernism ideology that there is no system with the reality of bedlam, there resides a sick and twisted hope in the inability to predict. â€Å"Post-modernity is the moral person’s bane and chance at the same time, where in a world with no god, one must stand up straight and confront Chaos (Oje ili 3).† Absurdistan is a novel of playful critique of post-modernism and experimental neo-realism. It offers offensive features of postmodernism -from obscurity and sexually explicit material to unconcealed languages of social and political boldness. Through the mixture of post modern elements like fragmentations and disorientations, disjointed time as represented by chapter division, failure of values and absence of absolutes, artful play, and knowledge as an illusion, with formal elements of tone, diction, and imagery, Shteyngart is able to strongly, yet subtly, critique the socioeconomic and political reality in modern day Russia. As we closely analyze the relationships the protagonist develops and take into consideration of post-modernism as a corrupted trend, we can finally see the world as it is: tainted with political exploitations, marred with gender and class disparities, and influenced by the culture and the mindset of American lifestyle. Works Cited Carter, John. P ostmodernity and Welfare: When Worlds Collide. Social Policy Administration 32 (1998): 101-25. Connor, Steven. Postmodernist Culture : An Introduction to Theories of the Contemporary. New York: John Wiley Sons, Incorporated, 1996. 124. Elkind, Pete. The Truth About Halliburton. Fortune 151 (2005): 8-23. Gare, Arran. Post-modernism as the Decadence of the Social Democratic State. Democracy Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy 7 (2001): 77-99. Geffen, Rela. Exploring Jewish Social Networks. Contemporary Jewry 23 (2002): 64-82. Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. New York: Duke UP, 1991. 5-19. Kandiyoti, Deniz. The politics of gender and the Soviet paradox: neither colonized, nor modern. 22 Nov. 2008 . Libman, Aleksandr. Institutional Competition and Post-Soviet Transformation (The Influence of Informal Institutions). 2007. 29 Nov. 2008 . Nicholson, Linda. The Play of Reason : From the Modern to the Postmodern. New York: Co rnell UP, 1999. 112. Ojeili, Chamsy. Post-modernism, the Return to Ethics and the Crisis of Socialist Values. Democracy and Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy 8 (2002): 397-421. Shteyngart, Gary. Absurdistan. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2007.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Teach for America - Profile on the Teach for America Program

What is Teach for America: Part of Americorps, Teach for America is a national program for new and recent college graduates where they commit to teach for two years in a low-income school teaching disadvantaged students. The mission of the organization according to their website is to build the movement to eliminate educational inequity by enlisting our nations most promising future leaders in the effort. Since its inception in 1990, 17,000 individuals have participated in this rewarding program. Benefits of Participation: First and foremost, participating in Teach for America is a service organization where new teachers can truly make a difference right from the start. Over the course of the two years of involvement, teachers recive five weeks of intensive pre-service training and then ongoing professional development for the course of the program. Participants receive the pay and benefits of a typical teacher for the region where they are working. The program also provides teachers with loan forbearance along with $4,725 at the end of each year of service. They also provide transitional grants and loans ranging from $1000 to $6000. A Little Bit of History: Wendy Kopp presented the idea for Teach for America as an undergraduate at Princeton University. At the age of 21, she raised $2.5 million dollars and began recruiting teachers. The first year of service was in 1990 with 500 teachers. Today over 2.5 million students have been affected by this program. How to Get Involved: According to their website, Teach for America seeks a diverse group of promising future leaders who have the leadership skills to change the prospects of students.... Those recruited do not have to have any prior teaching experience. The competition is stiff. In 2007, only 2,900 were accepted out of 18,000 applicants. Applicants must apply online, participate in a 30 minute phone interview, and if invited attend a full-day face-to-face interview. The application is long and requires a lot of thought. It is suggested that applicants spend some time preparing for the application process before submitting. Issues and Concerns: While Teach for America is in many ways an excellent program, there are some concerns of which teachers should be aware. While according to studies including a recent one by the Urban Institute, teachers who work with Teach for America are in fact more effective than their traditional counterparts. On the other hand in terms of the experience for teachers, some new TFA teachers feel unprepared to be thrown into such a challenging teaching environment. It is important for any potential participant to fully investigate the Teach for America program and if possible speak with those who have actually participated in it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Learning Theory And Social Theory - 1133 Words

There are many theories in the field of criminology that seek to explain the reasons behind why people commit crimes. Social process theory is one such theory and asserts that criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others (Schmalleger, 2012). There are four types of social process theories including: social learning theory, social control theory, labeling theory, and dramaturgical perspective. This paper will explore two of the theories including social learning theory and social control theory. The paper will discuss social process theory and the history of its development, the theory’s importance to criminology, examples of the theory, and any positives or negatives associated with the theory. Theory and the History of its Development Social Learning Theory Social Learning Theory is the process that occurs through observing the consequences of others and by determining if such behavior is worth replicating (Wallace, n.d.) Basically this theory suggests that humans learn by watching others. Social Learning Theory was developed in the 1930’s by Theorists, Edwin Sutherland, Robert Burgess, Ronald L. Akers, and Daniel Glaser. These theorists developed the learning theory by recognizing patterns of criminal behaviors and the types of values that went along with criminals, the way they lived and communicated which they called differential association (Schmalleger, 2012.) Another theorist that has helped in the development of theory is Albert Bandura. BanduraShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Social Learning Theory2061 Words   |  9 PagesThe act of learning is an innate characteristic belonging to people across the globe. Learning can take place in many different forms (reading, writing, speaking, listening, excellency in a particular skill, etc.) and settings, generalizing from one content area to another. 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Bandura’s theory has paved the way to many studies and has open our minds to the possibility that we affect each other in a way we would not imagine. I believe that this theory can shape a lot of people s lives. I agree with Albert Bandura’s social learning theory by modeling and in this paper, I will present an argu mentRead MoreSocial Learning Theory and The Effect of TV Violence on Children2115 Words   |  9 PagesSocial Learning Theory and The Effect of TV Violence on Children In the United States children watch an average of three to fours hours of television daily (Cantor Wilson, 1984, p. 28). Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, much of todays television programming is violent. Studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found that children may become insensitive to violence. Consequently, they tend to gradually

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wmc Vs Sap

Question: Prepare a report identifying the causes of failure and recommendations to adopt a new ERP system. Answer: WMC claims against SAP WMC has sued SAP and they have given plenty of reasons to believe that SAP is fraudulent software. On the other end, SAP didnt utter a single word and hence, there are possibilities that the claims of WMC against SAP are true. Few of the claims that WMC has made against SAP are as follows: - The ERP software was not tested before it was implemented at WMC and hence, the software didnt work as committed by the company. This software was used by small waste management companies and now, it isnt modified to meet the requirements of one of the largest companies. The software was used in small sized European firms. The operation in US waste management companies is different and complex than the European waste management companies. WMC claims that the demo which SAP presented to them was fake as the mentioned functionalities were absent in the software when it was implemented in the real environment. The company states that the professionals in European companies may not be great with technology but that is not the case with the US professionals and German professionals. There was a eighteen month contract between SAP and WMC. SAP promised to customize everything on SAP R/3 platform but the software was actually developed by some oracle based companies. A simple revenue management operation was not able to run when the software was first implemented at WMC. The professionals at SAP tried to make it work with plenty of codes but things didnt work. After considering the situation, SAP promised to rework on the situation and make things possible by 2010. WMC will have to wait till then and hence, they will have to make further millions of investment Risks of ERP implementation There are various risks associated with ERP implementation in the organization. These risks werent understood by WMC and hence, they had to suffer. Few of the risks that have created an impact on the ERP implementation at WMC are as follows: - ERP cannot be considered to be software that can be used without any modification. This is one of the biggest mistakes that WMC did. The purchase of ERP decision should be outsourced to a consultancy rather than that of making the decision themselves WMC should have hired people with experience to work full time on SAP rather than that training the existing resources. The top management should have given a lot of importance to this project. They should have stated to the employees that this project is of utmost importance. An appropriate business plan would have helped the organization to understand the benefits that they would have received from the implementation of software. The management should communicate with the employees on daily basis regarding what things should have been taken care and what the things that they should have taken care. What SAP should have done? SAP should have been careful in certain areas as that would have helped SAP to deliver what WMC was expected. SAP should understand the requirements of the customer before they start with anything. Few of the things SAP should have done so that WMC wouldnt have sued the SAP company are as follows: - SAP should understand that their work doesnt end at implementation. They should have allowed one professional from SAP to be at WMC so that queries can be answered and sorted immediately. SAP should look for ways by which they can justify that all the features mentioned in the demo is real What should SAP do now? The mistake is done but now, SAP will have to look for ways by which they can safeguard their reputation in the market. If SAP is able to prove that they have all the features that have been mentioned during the demo then the company can just relax but that is not the case now. SAP doesnt have anything to say and hence, there are possibilities that WMC is true. Few of the things that SAP can do so that they can safeguard the reputation that they hold in the market are as follows: - SAP should repay the money that WMC has invested in SAP implementation. WMC has made a huge investment and hence, they wont let go SAP. It is better that SAP makes the payment rather than trying to prove when they dont have anything to prove. To retain their reputation in the market, SAP should customize the ERP to meet their business requirements. For SAP is able to provide something that WMC requires then the organization will be happy. Going forward, now of the companies will doubt the capability of SAP. If SAP doesnt do anything then the future potential clients will doubt the capability of SAP and its software.