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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Learning Theory And Social Theory - 1133 Words

There are many theories in the field of criminology that seek to explain the reasons behind why people commit crimes. Social process theory is one such theory and asserts that criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others (Schmalleger, 2012). There are four types of social process theories including: social learning theory, social control theory, labeling theory, and dramaturgical perspective. This paper will explore two of the theories including social learning theory and social control theory. The paper will discuss social process theory and the history of its development, the theory’s importance to criminology, examples of the theory, and any positives or negatives associated with the theory. Theory and the History of its Development Social Learning Theory Social Learning Theory is the process that occurs through observing the consequences of others and by determining if such behavior is worth replicating (Wallace, n.d.) Basically this theory suggests that humans learn by watching others. Social Learning Theory was developed in the 1930’s by Theorists, Edwin Sutherland, Robert Burgess, Ronald L. Akers, and Daniel Glaser. These theorists developed the learning theory by recognizing patterns of criminal behaviors and the types of values that went along with criminals, the way they lived and communicated which they called differential association (Schmalleger, 2012.) Another theorist that has helped in the development of theory is Albert Bandura. BanduraShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Social Learning Theory2061 Words   |  9 PagesThe act of learning is an innate characteristic belonging to people across the globe. Learning can take place in many different forms (reading, writing, speaking, listening, excellency in a particular skill, etc.) and settings, generalizing from one content area to another. 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